Here are our answers to the questions we get asked most often about Roof Maxx. Still have questions?

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How Long Does a Roof Maxx Treatment Take?

Short Answer: Every roof is different, but a Roof Maxx treatment takes between 30 minutes to a few hours, depending on the size and condition of your roof.



The duration of a Roof Maxx treatment can range from as little as 30 minutes to a few hours, depending on the size and condition of your roof. Our local technicians will provide a customized estimate after an initial assessment of your roof’s condition.

For smaller roofs in good repair, the process may take just half an hour. If your roof requires preparatory work, such as debris removal, sealing of exposed nails, or securing loose flashing, the treatment could take a few hours. If there are existing issues like leaks, we’ll identify them, recommend solutions, and then proceed with the treatment.

Remember, Roof Maxx is an eco-friendly spray designed to prolong the life of your asphalt roof by restoring its flexibility. So, the treatment duration varies. Reach out to us to schedule an assessment and get a precise estimate for your roof.

Five Year Transferable Warranty

With our five-year, transferable warranty, you’ll enjoy the peace of mind that your roof and entire home are protected.