Here are our answers to the questions we get asked most often about Roof Maxx. Still have questions?

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Could Roof Maxx Make an Asphalt Roof Last Forever?

Short Answer: While we wish we could promise eternal life for your roof, the reality is nothing lasts forever.

Research conducted at The Ohio State University shows that Roof Maxx can add up to 15 years to an asphalt roof’s life. Our product, applied to an intact asphalt roof (i.e., a roof with all structural issues resolved), has consistently proven to add five years per application.

Roofs undergo severe wear and tear as they constantly protect us from the elements, necessitating eventual replacement. But with proper treatment using Roof Maxx, that replacement can be postponed significantly. Our treatments come with a five-year transferable warranty, and with regular five-year reapplications, you can potentially extend your roof’s life by up to fifteen years. And who knows? Further down the line, we might even discover the potential for more.

For any other queries about Roof Maxx and how it can prolong your asphalt roof’s life, don’t hesitate to reach out to us.

Five Year Transferable Warranty

With our five-year, transferable warranty, you’ll enjoy the peace of mind that your roof and entire home are protected.