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Roof Maxx Dealers in Montana

Roof Maxx Roofing Repair Companies in Montana

Our roofing company in Montana will help save you thousands on roof repair.

Like most residents, you love living in the beautiful state of Montana. Mountains, green trees, wide-open spaces, and memorable landscapes attract visitors to our state. Moderate warm summers mixed with idyllic white winters make Montana a great place to be. But with our beauty comes a climate that can be wearing on property, especially asphalt shingle roofs. Strong storms are common here, bringing rain, wind, and hail. Montana sees an average of 11.12 inches of rain annually, plus an annual average of 38 inches of snowfall.

Montana storms can do significant damage to roofs. Storms with hail up to two inches in diameter and bigger, plus forceful winds, can cause holes and leaks, along with weakening the asphalt shingles and making them prone to breakage and tears in future storms. Sunny summers and snowy winters can also prematurely age asphalt shingles due to exposure. If your roof is starting to show signs of aging and wear due to the weather, you may be facing some expensive roof repairs soon. Don’t worry though, Roof Maxx is here to provide you with an affordable alternative.

Roof Maxx roof rejuvenation in Montana.

The weather exposure problems unique to our state can leave you looking for roof repair in Montana, or even a premature roof replacement. Roof replacement prices can leave you high and dry. For a new standard quality asphalt roof in Montana, you could pay upwards of $20,000 or more. 

Luckily, Roof Maxx is here to save money. We offer Montana roof rejuvenation treatments that will make your asphalt roof like new again. Our 100% natural, plant-based treatment renews your shingles by restoring the oils they lost over time, healing it from exposure, preventing further damage, and adding up to five years of life to your roof. Plus, this treatment can be done up to three times on one roof. It restores flexibility and durability to the shingles, helping them last longer in our Montana climate. Even better, our roof rejuvenation treatment  is natural, green, and safe for both people and pets.

Ready to renew your Montana roof? Locate a Roof Maxx dealer near you today.

5 years transferable warranty icon

Five Year Transferable Warranty

With our five-year, transferable warranty, you’ll enjoy the peace of mind that your roof and entire home are protected.