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About Roof Maxx of Ritzville, WA

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Mike and Todd the year they sold Feazel Roofing and moved on to roof preservation.
Our founders Mike and Todd in their early roofing days.

Find out how Roof Maxx brought affordable roofing to Ritzville, WA

When brothers Mike and Todd Feazel sold their first roofing company in 2013, they had amassed over two decades of industry experience. During that time, they became leaders in the business, running one of the nation’s top roofing companies. They also saw changes in roofing that made them want to find a new way to do things.

Asphalt shingles are manufactured to contain oil, which helps them stay flexible for years while adjusting to variable weather conditions. Though we don’t get nearly the national average for rain each year here in Ritzville, we do get large temperature swings that put your roofing to the test. The problem is that changes in how shingles are made have left them with less oil, so they dry out sooner and leave the structure below more vulnerable. As homeowners and businesses are forced to replace their roofs more often, affordable roofing in Ritzville, WA, has become harder to come by.

My brother and I could see the staggering number of roofs at risk across the country and wanted to do something about it. Now, through Roof Maxx, we’re looking out for asphalt roofs, the people under them, their hard-earned money and the planet.

Mike Feazel
CEO, Roof Maxx

We’ve made affordable roofing in Ritzville, WA a reality.

When Mike and Told sold their company, they focused on finding a solution to the shorter lifespans of asphalt roofs. They dove right into their research and worked with cutting-edge labs to find an alternative to constantly replacing roofing. Years of work paid off with the discovery of Roof Maxx, a roof rejuvenation bio-oil that brings back your shingles’ ability to expand and contract with the weather.

You can get more affordable roofing in Ritzville, WA, with local Roof Maxx owner, Kent Yamane. A single application gives your roof another five years protecting your home or business. The affordable part? An application of Roof Maxx costs just 20% of what replacing your roof would run. You keep your shingles, and you hold onto more of your money.

Contact your local Roof Maxx of Ritzville, WA

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Roof Maxx is the local source for affordable roofing in Ritzville, WA.

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5 years transferable warranty icon

Five Year Transferable Warranty

With our five-year, transferable warranty, you’ll enjoy the peace of mind that your roof and entire home are protected.