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The 15 Best Types of Roof Vents to Consider for Your Home

Your roof is integral to your home, so you must take the proper steps to extend its lifespan. However, establishing how often you should replace your roof depends on several factors. For example, roof materials like asphalt last around 15-20 years. Another critical factor to consider is where you live.  Living in an area exposed […]

How Often Should My Roof Be Replaced?

Front yard of house during day aftermath after storm roof tile shingle lying down on grass, damage closeup

Homeowners have many questions regarding maintaining their homes, and one of the most common is: How often should my roof be replaced? Roofs need to be replaced approximately every 20 years, so there’s a good chance you will need to replace your roof yourself or have a professional do it at some point. The lifespan […]

Roof Lifespan: How Long Does a Roof Actually Last?

Your roof’s life expectancy might not be top of mind, but it’s a serious issue for all homeowners and business owners. Just think of all the things your roof protects from the elements, particularly the people most important to you. You need a strong roof overhead. Of course, all things tend to wear out and […]