The Entire Roof Maxx Process from Start to Finish

January 15, 2025
Title card with the Roof Maxx logo and article title text "The Entire Roof Maxx Process from Start to Finish" on a transparent background over a green image with handwritten math formulas written on it.


  • This resource explains every step of the Roof Maxx Roof Rejuvenation process.  You’ll also be guided through each step by your local dealer. It’s easy!
  • Roof rejuvenation is simple thanks to our customer-focused approach. Whether you’re looking to extend the life of your roof or simply want peace of mind about its condition, the process starts with a quick call or online form.
  • From there, we just need to ensure that your roof qualifies for Roof Maxx’s innovative treatment. The process isn’t just easy; it’s also a valuable way to assess your roof’s current state. 
  • Our professionals perform a detailed assessment and a thorough tune-up, then apply our specially-formulated treatment that restores flexibility and weather resistance to your shingles.
  • Once treated, your roof is not only ready to stand strong for up to five more years but also qualifies for subsequent treatments, ensuring long-term savings and sustainability.

Here’s What Happens When You Become a Roof Maxx Customer

Roof Maxx is an innovative way to extend the life of your roof while saving up to 80% of what it would cost to replace. But what exactly does the Roof Maxx process involve? Below, we walk you through the journey from start to finish.

Step 1: Reach Out to Roof Maxx

Roof Maxx intake form on website
Roof Maxx intake form on website

The process begins with a simple call to 1-800-ROOFMAXX or by submitting an online form.  This connects you with a Roof Maxx Customer Support Specialist or your local Roof Maxx dealer.  Remember, that we will not give your contact information to anyone outside of Roof Maxx. We only need it to get in touch so we can find out if Roof Maxx is a cost-saving solution for your home or business!

Step 2: Discuss Your Needs

Once you’ve reached out, a Roof Maxx dealer or customer support specialist will contact you to discuss your needs. Whether you’re concerned about aging shingles or want to learn more about getting the most life out of your roof by maintaining it properly, this conversation helps us determine if a roof assessment is in order.

Step 3: Roof Assessment

Next comes the roof assessment. Your local Roof Maxx dealer will inspect your roof IN PERSON to determine its condition and confirm if it’s a good candidate for our rejuvenating treatment. At this time they are also able to determine if there are any issues with the roof that could be addressed in our Roof Tuneup.

Step 4: Sign an Agreement

Roof Maxx contractor standing with customer in yard before agreeing on treatment
Roof Maxx contractor standing with customer in yard before agreeing on treatment

Once you’ve decided to move forward, you’ll sign an agreement outlining the scope of work and costs. A signed agreement will ensure transparency and confidence in our work together!

Step 5: Schedule a Day

With the paperwork done, it’s time to schedule your Roof Tuneup and Roof Maxx treatment. We’ll work with you to find a day that’s convenient and fits your schedule. The factors that affect scheduling are:

  • Your availability
  • Current number of scheduled treatments for your dealer
  • Temperature/Seasonality (Generally must be above 36°)
  • Moisture: Roof should be relatively dry and remain dry (no rainfall) for at least one hour after treatment
Roof Maxx professional preparing to perform Roof Tuneup
Roof Maxx professional preparing to perform Roof Tuneup

Step 6: Roof Tune-Up

Before the rejuvenation treatment begins, your roof receives a comprehensive tune-up. This includes:

  • Clearing Debris: Removing leaves, branches, and other materials from the roof surface.
  • Replacement Shingles: Replacing any damaged shingles to ensure the roof is in good shape.
  • Nail Pops: Addressing raised nails to create a smooth and secure surface.
  • Flashing and Caulking: Inspecting and repairing flashing and caulking around chimneys, vents, and edges.
  • Plumbing Boots: Checking and repairing any worn or damaged plumbing boots to prevent leaks in that area.
Roof Maxx professionals treating roof to extend lifespan of asphalt shingles
Roof Maxx professionals treating roof to extend lifespan of asphalt shingles

Step 7: Roof Maxx Rejuvenating Treatment

With the tune-up complete, it’s time for the main event—the Roof Maxx rejuvenating treatment. This plant-based application restores the flexibility and waterproofing of your shingles, effectively extending their life by up to five years.

Roof Maxx's five year transferable warranty
Roof Maxx's five year transferable warranty

Step 8: Warranty Delivery

After the treatment, you’ll receive your Roof Maxx warranty. This document guarantees the effectiveness of the treatment and gives you peace of mind. The warranty is transferable if you are planning on selling your home or using Roof Maxx to prepare for a home sale!

Optional Steps for Roof Maxx Customers

Responding to Insurance Communication (If Applicable)

If your Roof Maxx treatment is a response to an insurance notification or cancellation letter, your Roof Maxx dealer can assist you with any necessary communication with your insurance provider.  You will probably require some sort of an inspection report.  We have many examples where the report satisfied the insurer and they rescinded the cancellation.

Learn More: Is Roof Maxx Accepted By Insurance Companies?

Leave a Review

We value your feedback! After your Roof Maxx experience, we encourage you to leave a review. Your insights help us improve and guide others who may benefit from our services. We are extremely proud of our 4.9-star rating with over 13,000 reviews! This makes us the highest-rated roofing company in the United States.

Revisit Treatment Options Every 5 Years

The Roof Maxx rejuvenating treatment lasts up to five years, and many roofs can be treated up to three times. This means that many of the roofs we treat can gain up to 15 years of additional life!  When the time comes, we’ll be ready to assess your roof again and provide the next treatment in 5 years.

See a Typical Roof Maxx Treatment from Start to Finish

Want to see the process in detail? Watch this video that outlines the steps your dealer will take on your special Roof Maxx day!

Take the Next Step & Protect Your Investment

The Roof Maxx process is simple, effective, and customer-focused. From your first call to revisiting treatment options years down the line, we’re committed to extending the life of your roof while saving you money and time. Ready to get started? Reach out to us today and experience the Roof Maxx difference!

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With our five-year, transferable warranty, you’ll enjoy the peace of mind that your roof and entire home are protected.

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