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About Roof Maxx of Kennewick, WA

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Mike and Todd the year they sold Feazel Roofing and moved on to roof preservation.
Our founders Mike and Todd in their early roofing days.

Choose Roof Maxx for affordable roofing in Kennewick, WA.

The Roof Maxx story.

After spending decades in the roofing industry, brothers Mike and Todd Feazel turned their attention to finding an environmentally-friendly way to extend the lifespan of a roof. Working with leaders in academia, science, and roofing, they created a roof rejuvenation formula that could add five years of life to a roof at 20% of the cost of installing a new one.

Our team of talented, experienced technicians in Kennewick, WA, is led by Jeremy Dimond. A love of serving people and a commitment to sustainable roofing is what makes us the best source for affordable roofing in Kennewick, WA. Nowhere else will you find a company with the experience, dedication, and commitment to saving you money.

My brother and I could see the staggering number of roofs at risk across the country and wanted to do something about it. Now, through Roof Maxx, we’re looking out for asphalt roofs, the people under them, their hard-earned money and the planet.

Mike Feazel
CEO, Roof Maxx

Roof Maxx works by restoring the natural oils in your roof.

Our treatment works by adding 100% all natural plant-based oils to asphalt shingles, which restores flexibility. This oil is a necessity for performance and longevity. As shingles dry out over time, they become weak and brittle, leaving your roof susceptible to damage that can easily cost thousands of dollars in repairs.

Saving you money is the number one reason people choose us for affordable roofing in Kennewick, WA. Our roof restoration treatment is just a fraction of the cost of roof replacement and extends the life of your current roof for five years per treatment. Our unique formula contains millions of plant-based microbeads and is safe for humans and animals. It also helps reduce the amount of construction waste found in landfills.

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Roof Maxx is your affordable roofing resource in Kennewick, WA.

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5 years transferable warranty icon

Five Year Transferable Warranty

With our five-year, transferable warranty, you’ll enjoy the peace of mind that your roof and entire home are protected.