Your search for “roofers near me in Harrisburg, PA ” should take you right to Roof Maxx, where you’ll get the biggest savings in the industry. Contact us to find out how we can extend your roof’s lifespan by five years at just a fraction of the cost of replacing it.
As your asphalt roof ages, the shingles dry out and lose their ability to flex with changes in the weather. That’s a big deal in a climate like Pennsylvania, with our combination of high humidity and plunging temperatures. As your roof breaks down, your home or business becomes vulnerable. Roof rejuvenation from Roof Maxx is changing all that. Just one application adds five years of life to your roof, and it costs just 20% of what a new roof would run. See for yourself by taking a look at this study’s results on how Roof Maxx affects an old shingle.
Find out what Roof Maxx can do for you by getting in touch with a Roof Maxx roofer near you in Harrisburg, PA. Want to know how you can join the Roof Maxx team? We can help with that too. Just email us at, call Scott Eavenson at 717-559-5554, or submit your information using the form.
Roof Maxx is an all-natural formula that is 100% safe for all the people and pets on your property. It’s also good for the environment. On top of being plant-based, Roof Maxx keeps the shingles on your roof instead of tearing them off and throwing them in the local landfill. It’s the sustainable choice, both for the environment and your wallet. Contact us today and find out how much you can save.
With our five-year, transferable warranty, you’ll enjoy the peace of mind that your roof and entire home are protected.